Mrs. Liljemark's Blog

Exploring history and geography and connecting them to today's world

English Colonies – When is it OK to Rebel?

Posted by Myla Liljemark on October 22, 2012

Essential Quesion:  When is it OK to rebel?

This unit involves the yeras leading up to the American Revolutionary War.  The two types of rebelliod that will be focused on is social/religious rebellion and political/economic rebellion.  The first week (Day 1-5 under Formative Assessment #1) of this unit, you will be teaching yourselves because I will not be in class.  If you struggle with any of the information, don’t worry too much.  I’ll go over some of it again when I get back.

Formative Assessment #1 – Protestant Reformation

Day 1:

Art analysis click on the link provided and do an art analysis on the picture.  When everyone at your table is done, discuss what you think, what you notice, and what you wonder.  Does anyone know who this is?

Art Analysis Image (enlarge if you need to be holding down the “control” and “plus” buttons.  Complete the art analysis handout while you reflect.

Protestant Reformation Video link

Protestant Reformation handout

Day 2:

Protestant Branches Research

Day 3:

After performing the envelopes activity as a class, watch the following video to learn about how England became Protestant

Protestant Reformation & Church of England Background Reading

After reading this, write one quality sentence on a piece of notebook paper that describes why England becomes Protestant.  Turn it in when you are done.

Day 4: 

Finish all assignments not completed from days 1-3.  You can also use this time to study for tomorrow’s capitals test.

If you have nothing to finish, then you need to read pages 69 and 70 in the textbook and answer questions #2 and 3 on page 70.  Also watch the video clip below.  On the same paper, answer the question:  How does the story differ between the textbook and video?  How is the story different?

 500 Nations video clip

Formative Assessment #3 – Puritans and Quakers

What is ‘freedom’? – Stormboard Activity

“A Model of a Christian Charity” Reading and Questions

 Quakers vs Puritans and questions – Main Idea Activity

Formative Assment #4 – Triangle Trade and Mercantilism

Mercantilism and Triangular Formative Assessment

Triangle Trade Primary Sources – As you analyze each source, reflect on the questions provided.  You do NOT need to write out the answers to these questions.  Reflecting on them will help you answer the questions on the handout.

Outward Manifest of the Two Friends

  1. Where is the cargo headed?
  2. What type of goods are being shipped?
  3. Where can you guess the ship is originating from?  Why?

Ship Mount Vernon

  1. Where is the cargo headed?
  2. What type of goods are being shipped?
  3. Based on the cargo, where do you think the ship originated from?

Schooner Polly

  1. What is the cargo and where is it from?
  2. What currency is used to purchase the cargo?
  3. What other strange/interesting/different things do you notice about the document?

Manifest of the Brig Sally

  1.  Where is the ship going?
  2. Based on some clues and the cargo on board, where do you think the ship originated from?
  3. Why do you think this ship went to Africa to trade its goods?

Formative Assessment #5 – Boston Acts and Boycotts

French and Indian War Art and World Puzzle

British Taxation Perspectives Handout

British Taxation Perspectives Reading

Modern Consumer Boycotts link



Formative Assessment #6 –  Boston Tea Party and Massacre

Boston Massacre

“Ohio” Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young (this is a YouTube video, so you will not be able to watch it at school)

Tea Party

Summative Assessment – Reflective Essay           When is it OK to rebel – Reflective Essay directions/rubric

Part 1 – Rebellion and Religion/Beliefs

To prepare for the first half of the reflective essay, please reflect on the following people/events.  Each involve rebellion concerning religion and beliefs.  Why did they rebel?  Why did some oppose their rebellion? How did the rebellion affect the community or society?

  1. Martin Luther
  2. King Henry VIII
  3. Pilgrims
  4. “National Day of Mourning”
  5. Puritans
  6. Quakers

Part 2 – Rebellion and Politics

To prepare for the second half of the reflective essay, please reflect on the following events.  Each involve rebellion concerning politics and power.  Why did they rebel?  Why did some oppose their rebellion? How did the rebellion affect the community or society?

  1. Mercantilism
  2. British Acts and the Proclamation of 1763
  3. Boston Massacre
  4. Boston Tea Party

Summative Assessment Part 2 – Multiple Choice Test


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